About MACT

The MACT program is designed for both experienced counselors looking to upgrade their skills, intern counselors working toward a credential, and individuals who are seeking employment in the addiction counseling profession.

The Addiction Counselor Training (ACT) Model for training addiction counselors was developed in Texas in 1974 and has been implemented throughout Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Hawaii, and California. Its founder, Vic Shaw, established the ACT here in Mississippi over ten years ago. The ACT has a proven track record of providing over three decades of quality counselor education across the nation. Several thousand individuals have benefited from these courses to improve and upgrade their skills. As we work to improve the credentialing standards here in Mississippi, it is imperative that we upgrade our skills as addiction counselors. We are committed to providing this training at a reasonable cost and to making the training accessible for interested individuals.

Approved Provider

All MACT course offerings are approved by the Certification Examining Board of the Mississippi Association of Addiction Professionals for credits toward certification and recertification as an addictions counselor in Mississippi. Other official professional continuing education accreditation groups may also recognize MACT course work for continuing education credits.  


All MACT instructors are chosen based upon their proven abilities to facilitate adult learning and skill development. All instructors must meet the following three criteria:

  1. Proven current experience in the addictions field
  2. Demonstrated mastery of field of expertise
  3. Exceptional skills in verbal communications and design of training.

Most instructors have earned advanced academic degrees relevant to their field. All instructors are MAAP certified.